Luentomatka Itävallan Hopfgarten Brixentaliin, Kitzbühelin alpeille
28.1. - 1.2.2025
Lecture Topics:
1-2 CAD/CAM produced restorations in chairside
Lectures will go through different selections of the current CAD/CAM materials i.e. glass ceramic, zirconium and hybrid ceramic, but also introducing the newest materials and innovations.
Participants also have opportunity to participate hands-on session where they will finish restoration by staining & glazing.
3 Shade determination – manually or digitally.
Lecture will go through principles of visual shade determination and its challenges and as well introduced the newest digital shade determination processes. Session includes also demo/hands-on part.
Luennot yhteistyössä VITA Zahnfabrikn kanssa. Luennoitsijana Michael J. Toley PhD, MDT, VITA Head of Education and Training ja Teemu Visuri CDT, Vita Regional Business Manager North-West Europe.